But no one said he had to like it!
But you don't get to almost 20 pounds in 6 months without being a good eater. So he ate it. Three days. Tomorrow I'm going to let him try Mango.
A box of Santa Max...
Future Xmas Card Photo
Max says Hi!!
Max says "Thanks for my taggie blankie toy Hopie!"
Max hanging out with Daddy...
He's one happy baby!
Another photo of Max with the toy from Hopie.
50% Mommy + 50% Daddy = 100% Cute
Thanks Hayley for the Pirate Wear! I Smell Trouble and then Caution Below Deck!
Max has a new addition to his floor gym. The rainbow "kick toy" that he is kicking in this photo. It has nice mellow chimes.
Max in the sweater from Auntie. A perfect fit!
Here Max is watching the animusic video with Nik. He was really into it. Nik is not quite visible in the photo but he LOVES to watch these videos.
Max had way less issues with his crib than Mommy...
Out of order photo, but Max of Arabia deserved a second photo. :)
Max and Julian (and the bunny from Damon and Maaria)
Max and Daddy (taking Nik to school)
I guess it should not have been a surprize that the first thing Max did in his first ever bubble bath was put a handful of bubbles to his mouth.
This is what he did to himself.
And this is what I did. So he could look like his Daddy. :)
Maybe I can have a career in advertising with my excellent product placement!
He LOVED the bubble bath. And the magic of the vapors seemed to help his little baby cold.
Friday I was home from work with Max because he got sick on Thursday night. Mark was watching Max on Thursday night so that I could try to get some sleep. Very sadly for Mark, Max' s new cold made it impossible for either of them to sleep for chunks of time in excess of an hour. When I got up at 5am to get ready for work I found a very exhausted Mark and a baby who was snuffly and pathetic. Mark went up to get some sleep and I took over on baby duty after sending an email to the office to say that sick baby trumped privacy.
The doctor's office confirmed that it was just a cold and told me what to look for as far as food allergies or ear infections in the future. They said the would much rather see a baby with a cold on a Friday than miss something else and have it wait until after the weekend. So that was good news. They also confirmed his weight at 18 pounds, 8 ounces. He's a major chunk! In knitting related fat-baby news, his ankles are 7+ inches around, so I need to pull out the sock I started and make it again at double size so that it will fit around his monster legs.
We pretty much had a quiet weekend so far because of Hurricane Helena. Lots of rain and darkness but no major power outages or flooding.
I was surprized to hear from Linwood who is rarely in the DC area, so Max and I braved the rain and headed down to Jay and Bart's to visit. Lindwood is great with kids and Max really enjoyed hanging out with him. Me too, of course. :)
Because of Max's cold we opted to give him a bubble bath with the vapor bath stuff. It was his first time really having water to splash around in. He seemed to really enjoy it. He was splashing about and looking at the bubbles. When I turned on the water to rinse him off he had a good time again. Now we have a humidifier downstairs so I'm going to retire to the couch and hope that the steam and sitting upright will help him (and therefore me) get some sleep.
Max playing with a balloon! He had such a great time laughing and playing with his brothers. He was just going wild!
I said he was standing. I didn't say he was all that happy about it...
Max in his "Miriam Hat" to compare to the earlier photos where he looked so shrimpy and delicate. He's delicate no more. He's officially 18 pounds at 5 months.