Thursday, June 30, 2011

Max on the Big Boy Swing!

No baby swing for Max now! He's a big boy!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Happy Birthday Mommy!

Max is being a little silly, but he's making a birthday card for Mommy. He told me all about it last night. It's going to have a heart and say Max which is spelled Up Down Up Down Circle Cross Cross. Super thanks to Joanna for the photos and for making card-making-time happen!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Max the Problem Solver

When I went to England in March, I got Max a bowl with his name on it. The bowl was lost. And then found. I told him it was dirty. But I was busy, so he needed to put it on the counter and I'd wash it for him. Next thing we see is this:
He got the chair and pulled it up to the sink, turned on the water, and started washing the bowl himself!