We went to Virginia Beach last weekend for Julie and Jason's wedding. We were able to get to the beach by 2pm for a 230 wedding so Max got to play on the beach. This was his first ever trip to the beach and we weren't sure if he was going to like it. He would either see it as a giant sandbox and love it, or he would see it as something that made him dirty and he would hate it. Happily he took the giant sandbox approach and had a great time. When it was time to go to the reception he willingly said "bye bye beach" and toddled off. Yay Max!

This is Max in the middle of the wedding. He was quiet. He was off to one side. I was totally ok with his decision!

Max started wanting to play with my sling, so I got the idea of making him his own sling. Here he is with his Tigger in the sling. I have since improved the design of the sling and I am going to try to make some for the Burke Fall Festival. Hopefully they will sell well for Virgin Crafts!

This is Max blowing bubbles at the Delt Reunion on August 14th. Thanks to Carol Caylor for the VT shirt for Max!

Max loves to blow out candles and was excited to help Grandad!

Max is saying "Cheese!" and showing off his suit! Yay suit! Hurrah for Marks and Spencer! This is the same suit he wore last year to be in Uncle Michael and Auntie Sheena's wedding but this year we didn't have to roll up the legs of his pants!
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