I put all the photos of just Meg on her blog, so Max can be the one to host all of the multi-person photos...

When Mark and I saw this one in black and white we decided we liked it, other than it not being in color. We had gone past it as a color picture initally, but we went back and purchased it. :)

Margaret doesn't look too comfy, but this is otherwise a pretty good photo of us...

Max is pulling on my shirt while standing on Mark's foot. Shows you the pecking order... everyone is here to serve Max!

Here Margaret is TRYING to play with Max but he isn't very excited about sharing with her. This is slightly different from the top photo where he looks like he likes having a sister...

If they had been looking at the camera this one would have been better...

Here they look a little startled..

Mark hugging his family.

Max and Margaret each have a toy now, but they still don't know quite where to look...

Closeup of Mark hugging his family.

This is the family picture we purchased. Me hugging the kids. I think Margaret's little expression is sweet. And I love how tiny her little hands are compared to Mark's.

Similar photo but with more of our bodies showing and less of the smiling baby face...

If Max hadn't been totally done with the whole picture taking experience this one could have been a winner... But he was DONE!
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