Shades and feet. What more could any baby want?
If he doesn't look like an English baby ready to go to the seaside in this picture, he never will...
Trying out the bumpo chair.
And then playing with Nik's Word Whammer
Thanks Hopie! For the great blankie and the hedgehog toy!
Happy baby in Nemo outfit from Bethany...
In exciting but un-photo-documented news, Max put his feet in his mouth. I will be standing by with the camera to catch this on film. Also, yesterday Nik read a book to Max. It was very sweet (Goodnight Moon) and I will try to set it up for a photo in the near future. Nik did a really great job of reading the book and Max enjoyed smiling at Nik. Julian was playing peekaboo with Max last night and Max was going wild! If Mark does it or I do it then it is boring. But if it is Julian, then there is no stopping the giggles.
Max also now seems to have ticklish feet. One more thing to have in common with his mommy. :)
This weekend is haircut #2 for Max. His hair is getting in his eyes again and I have a haircut scheduled, so Mark will show up at the end of my haircut with Max and he will get to have his hair cut too.
Back to school for Nik and Julian on Tuesday so we are finishing our preparations and, more importantly, looking forward to a long weekend at home together.
1 comment:
What's Max wearing this saturday? I need to coordinate! :)
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